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projects' information
To divide the measured word
six volumes
Reference Dictionary
Online public availablity.
2022/2024, Israel.
A new six-volume unique Hebrew dictionary, deepening into a less familiar approach of reading Hebrew words in the
Bible. Based on Jewish accepted commentary sources, it focuses on reading certain
words in the Bible — but not
in its standard reading form (‘measures’). Rather — while dividing the Biblical letters’ sequences in new division forms — i.e. while reading words in full or partially, single or attached, in
between attached words — and in both reading
directions — out of which new
words and understandings are revealed.
This is a new ~6000 dictionary entries, aimed to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in studing
and revealing the many unfold deepening understandings and meanings hidden within the known textual bible. Each of these entries - seen now with in a new light.
In 2022 a first edition was completed (first 4 volumes) and in 2024 a second edition added volumes 5-6. A limited print was made to both - although currently its public main distribution concept is aimed to be in digital and online format. Mainly - All six volumes are accessible (in Hebrew) in the site [LINK1/ LINK2 / LINK3/ LINK4 / LINK5/ LINK6].

And Moses Told
Limited preliminary printing,
Dec.2019, Israel.
A reference book on Judaism (Hebrew, 684 p.).
The book gives a thorough 'zooming' insight on the birth of the people of Israel and the roots of the Jewish faith. This is an in-depth commentary on a single Bible verse (Exodus 18:8) - that in a biblical known practice, summarizes in a dense and deeply constructed 21 words (and it's 80 Hebrew letters) - the vast spectrum of what 'Moshe Rabbeinu' (Moses) told his father-in-law. The commentaris reveal the many unfold deepening layers of clues and secrets tailored and hidden within it's Hebrew letters and framed words. The book is carefully based on old Jewish sages commentaries.
A limited preliminary printing was made - while its public distribution would be revised in the future, awaiting the advancement and completion of a few other textual-works in the work.

Living Times
Poetry Book
'Zameret' Publishing House,
Tel-Aviv , Israel
A spiritual poetry book - first in a planned trilogy.
In Dec2019 the Hebrew version was published in Israel. In 2021 its English translation was completed and a limited preliminary printing was made - although its public distribution would wait for the planned completion of the whole trilogy, as of its conceptual frame.
This first book's phase of the whole planned (3-books) project - summarized a lengthly 5 years work, from which the production itself required full 3 years - with its actual four projects: 160 Hebrew poems translated into English - i.e. two books, each in paper and digital formats.

Film Festival Program
Article published in the 'Black International Cinema Berlin' May 2013 film festival program.
'Fountainhead Tanz Theatre' Publication,
Berlin, Germany.
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The Israeli Art Book
Art Book
Participation in an Art book release project.
'Babylone Art' Publishing House,
Tel-Aviv, Israel.

written for
Art Exhibition Catalogue
Art collaboration with the Israeli artist Dorit Feldman, as part of Feldman's new exhibition 'Golden Heart' and its accompaning published Catalogue.
Tel-Aviv, Israel.
See Link
for more Info.

Magical Sounds
Music Book
On the usages of sounds by humanity from ancient times to our days -
- for medical, educational, spiritual and
enlightenment processes.
'Gal' Publishing House,
Tel-Aviv , Israel.

'Art & Faith' Exhibition
Poems as exhibits & Poetry Reading
New arts workshop municipal center,
Rishon-Le-Zion , Israel .
All text is currently in Hebrew.

Like the Wind
Poetry Book
'Eked' Publishing House,
after selection by its editor Yaoz-Kest, Itamar.
Tel-Aviv , Israel

World without Perception
Poetry & Prose Book
'Saar' Publishing House, Tel-Aviv , Israel